
 If you have ever wondered what some of the locations in the book look like, then here you go! Most of these photos have my face in, though, which means you can’t really see much at all. Sorry.

I will upload more photos very soon!

Paper Girls

This is the flyover beneath the A47 where Kett and Savage pause before the terrifying finale! My dad lives just up the road from here.

And this is the view in the other direction towards some of the old buildings down here. I didn’t use a specific building for the story, in case somebody got offended, but I definitely used this abandoned barn as inspiration.

Sweet Briar Rose

This is the Adam and Eve pub where Kevin DuFrane finds a little Dutch courage before going on his date! I used to drink here quite a bit, it’s the oldest pub in Norwich!

This is Cow Tower, where Jenny’s body is found. It’s an amazing old building, and pretty creepy in real life, especially when you visit at night.

This was an earlier photo of me, before I had a hair cut. I was walking past the tower one day and thought “that would be a great place to find a body.” It’s weird, because I often think that…

Me outside the old Samson and Hercules nightclub, where one of the victims was left inside a rigged coffin. It’s true that there was once a swimming pool here and it was covered up, although unlike the book I think it might have been filled in.

One of the clues leads to the Northman’s Turret, otherwise known as Normandie Tower! And here it is.

Norwich isn’t a huge city, and it’s only when I went to take some photos that I realised how close Normandie Tower was to the Ferry Boat Inn, which appeared in Knock Knock. That’s the inn in the foreground.

This is the Church of St Lawrence’s, where one unfortunate character was left to hang from the top window, her hair on fire!

And these are the steep stone steps next to the church, where another character takes a tumble… There is no cafe down here, but there are a couple of shops.